Director Handbooks
A Handbook for Directors of Regulated Financial Services Companies in Ireland: Fourth Edition
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The aim of this Directors' Handbook is to provide a valuable resource to directors in Ireland on their role and responsibilities. This document can be used by newly appointed directors, but also more experienced directors who wish to refresh their knowledge and expertise and to keep abreast of relevant legislation.
A downloadable and digital version of the Handbook is available for members below.
Covering a wide range of responsibilities - from the duties of the non-executive director to that of the chairperson and company secretary - the Directors’ Handbook also outlines the role of the board of directors, the functions of board committees and the procedures for appointing and removing directors. The Directors’ Handbook is specifically designed to develop the knowledge and expertise of directors, so as to improve board effectiveness and strengthen governance frameworks.
A digital version of the Handbook is available for members below.
(To view this in fullscreen mode click the icon in the bottom right of the video above).
All IoD Ireland members receive a hard copy of the Handbook when they join in their member pack, and a digital version is available to view below. Additional copies of the Handbook are available to purchase for €15 by calling the office on +353 1 411 0010.
The fifth edition of the Directors’ Handbook, produced in partnership with McCann FitzGerald LLP, reflects company law up to August 2022.