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  • Governance Framework CPD

State Body Governance

The Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2

IoD Briefing Series: Designed for Directors, sponsored by Forvis Mazars

Learn the duties and responsibilities of being a director of a State Body at our upcoming event, State Body Governance. This in-person event will take place at the Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2, from 7:30am - 9:30am, on Wednesday, 2nd April 2025. Sponsored by Forvis Mazars.

Our event will include an expert line-up of speakers who have State Body experience as a Chair, Department Secretary General or in an advisory capacity. They include: 

  • Dr. Orlaigh Quinn, Independent Non-Executive Director and former Secretary General at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
  • Dr. Pat O'Mahoney CDir, Chair, HIQA
  • Jim Breslin, Chair, Non-Executive Director and former Secretary General
  • Corné Mouton, Partner, Forvis Mazars

The event will also address the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies. The session will also include a welcome address by Caroline Spillane CDir, Chief Executive Officer, IoD Ireland. 

We hope you will join us for what promises to be a very informative morning event, with ample networking opportunities.

This event is part of the IoD Briefing Series: Designed for Directors, sponsored by Forvis Mazars.

Dr. Orlaigh Quinn

Dr. Orlaigh Quinn Independent Non-Executive Director and former Secretary General at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Dr Orlaigh Quinn has extensive experience in governance and leadership, gained over a distinguished career in public service at both national and international levels. She has led major policy, strategic and legislative initiatives and has a proven ability to set direction, drive organisational change and manage multiple, complex and sensitive policy agendas. Orlaigh was the first woman appointed as Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment (2016 -2023), where she advised Government, Ministers and led the Department and its fourteen offices and agencies in promoting the creation of high-quality and sustainable full employment; by championing enterprise, supporting and incentivising a competitive and innovative research and enterprise base, negotiating international trade agreements and promoting fair employment and competitive and regulated markets. She led the Department through major events including Brexit, Covid and the effects of the war in Ukraine, at the same time heading the development and implementation of key national strategies including the White Paper on Enterprise, the National Digital Strategy and the Trade and Investment Strategy. A career civil servant, she has held leadership positions across several public bodies, spearheading reform of Ireland’s public and civil service at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, leading Ireland’s Presidency of the European Union as Head of EU and International Affairs and developing national policies as Head of National Pensions in the Department of Social Protection. She has also worked in in several other public sector organisations, including the Department of Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht and the Central Statistics Office. At international level, she was the first Irish person appointed as a national expert on employment and social policy in the European Commission. She has extensive experience as chair and board member at national and international level and is currently a board member of several organisations including The Convention Centre Ireland, the Institute of International and European Affairs, Business in the Community Ireland, University of Galway ( J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics). She is Chair of the Governance Board of CONNECT, Ireland's leading Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. She is a former Visiting Research Fellow of Trinity College Dublin and holds a Masters in Public Management and a Doctorate in Governance from Queen’s University Belfast. She is the author of two books on public policy topics.

Dr. Pat O’Mahony CDir

Dr. Pat O’Mahony CDir Chair, HIQA

Dr Pat O’Mahony, MVM, MBA, CDir, provides strategic management consultancy to selected clients across various sectors including Biopharmaceuticals, Med Tech and Health Care Systems. Particular interests at present include Value Based Healthcare, Clinical Research and Genomics. Pat is also Chairman of the Board of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and Chairman of the Board of the Irish Medicines Verification Organisation (IMVO). Pat previously served as CEO at Clinical Research Development Ireland, the clinical and translational research partnership of the universities in Ireland from 2017 to 2019, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Governance and Performance at the Department of Health in Dublin for 15 months, prior to which Pat was Chief Executive of the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) from 2002 to 2015. Having spent a number of years in private clinical practice and as technical manager in the pharmaceutical industry in Ireland and the UK, Pat worked in public health and was Director of Consumer Protection at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Pat has previously served on a variety of public and private sector boards including the European Medicines Agency (EMA), where he served as Chairman from 2007 to 2011, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, the National Patient Safety Advisory Group and was vice Chair of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities. Pat was appointed Chair of the Ministerial Expert Taskforce to Support the Expansion of the Role of Pharmacy in 2023.

Jim Breslin

Jim Breslin Chair, Non-Executive Director and former Secretary General

Jim Breslin advises leaders, boards and governments on strategic decision-making, innovation and governance to accelerate their business transitions. He holds a range of directorships and advisory roles across the private, not for profit and public sectors including as Chair of Renewable Energy Ireland (a partnership between Ireland’s leading sustainable energy associations) and as a non-executive Board member of Ashdale Care, St.Vincent’s Healthcare Group, the Expert Oversight Body of the Defence Forces and others. He enjoyed a 30-year career in the Irish senior public service including as Secretary General of three different Government Departments. His qualifications include a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, an MSc (Econ) from Trinity College, a Certificate in Business and Climate Change from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge and a Diploma and Certificate in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors. He held a Policy Leader Fellowship at the Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge.

Corné Mouton

Corné Mouton Partner, Forvis Mazars

Corné Mouton is a partner in the Forvis Mazars Consulting team, leading the firm’s governance, risk advisory, internal audit and forensic investigation services. He works closely with Boards, Audit & Risk Committees, and executive management teams, primarily across the public and charitable sectors. With over 25 years of experience, Corné is a qualified accountant, a member of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors and a certified IT auditor. His expertise spans risk management, corporate governance and forensic investigations, helping organisations enhance their resilience and operational effectiveness.

Caroline Spillane CDir

Caroline Spillane CDir Chief Executive Officer, IoD Ireland

Caroline Spillane CDir is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Directors Ireland. She commenced the role in July 2022. Caroline has held several senior leadership roles including most recently as Director General of Engineers Ireland, the all-Ireland professional body for engineers, CEO of the Medical Council of Ireland, the independent statutory regulator of over 25,000 medical practitioners and Assistant National Director of the Health Services Executive. Caroline is an experienced Non-Executive Director serving as a board member of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), ESB Networks and Irish Manufacturing Research. She is also a member of the Advisory Group to Balance for Better Business, an independent business-led Review Group established by the government to improve gender balance in senior leadership in Ireland. Caroline's qualifications include a BA from UCC and an MA from TUD. She is currently undertaking a Doctoral programme with SETU.

Is this eligible for CPD? 

Dimension Covered: Governance
Eligible Hours: 1 hour of Chartered Director CPD

This session may be eligible for other professional body CPD. Check with your relevant professional body. 

How do I attend? 

To reserve your space, click the ‘Book Now’ button.  Once registered, we’ll send an email to confirm your booking with the option to add the event to your calendar. 

The event will take place in The Grafton Suite, The Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2.

Want to connect with fellow members?  

Before the event, you will receive a list of the names and companies of all the attendees. 

Take the opportunity to connect. 

  • Reach out via the IoD Members’ LinkedIn Group.
  • Email the Events team we will make this happen on your behalf. 

For GDPR reasons, we cannot provide contact details on the attendee list. Photography will also be taken at the event for marketing and promotional purposes. For further information, please contact the Communications team. 

Get in touch with Anna Hannigan, Events Manager, IoD Ireland. 

Forvis Mazars

Forvis Mazars is a leading global professional services network established on 1 June 2024. It brings together the previously known Mazars international partnership and FORVIS, a top-ranked firm in the United States.

Operating as an internationally integrated partnership in over 100 countries and territories, they leverage their global expertise and scale to deliver cutting-edge services in audit, assurance, tax, consulting, financial advisory, corporate finance and financial outsourcing.

With over 950 staff across offices in Dublin, Galway, Cork and Limerick, the Irish firm draws on the expertise of more than 40,000 professionals to assist major international corporates, SMEs, financial institutions and public bodies in achieving their strategic and business goals.

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