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  • Free of Charge
  • IoD Members Only
  • Event Booking Closed

The Economic Outlook

The Orient Suite, The Alex Hotel, Dublin 2

Lunch Bites @ the IoD Series: sponsored by IQ-EQ

 Professor Alan Barrett,

Professor Alan Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Booking for this Event is Now Closed

This event is now closed for bookings. Please contact Anna Hannigan, Events Manager, for further information.


We are delighted to invite you to join our upcoming Lunch Bites @ the IoD event with Professor Alan Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), from 12:30pm-2:00pm, at The Orient Suite, The Alex Hotel, Dublin 2, on Thursday, 13th October 2022.  

In this Lunch Bites @ the IoD event, Professor Barrett will present a session titled, 'The Economic Outlook', which will review recent developments in both the domestic and international economies and will discuss assessments of near-term prospects. This will include a discussion on the recent Budget 2023, inflation, the likely responses of central banks and the broader economic impacts. Some long-term issues will also be addressed such as infrastructure, climate and population ageing. 

The Lunch Bites @ the IoD Series is kindly sponsored by IQ-EQ

This event is exclusive to IoD Ireland members, and is free of charge. 

Alan Barrett,

Alan Barrett,

Chief Executive Officer, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Professor Alan Barrett is the Chief Executive Officer of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).

Alan received his Ph.D. in Economics from Michigan State University in 1994 and joined the ESRI that year. He was seconded to the Department of Finance from 2001 to 2003 and to Trinity College Dublin from 2011 to 2013. 

He was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2019 and is also an Honorary Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland. He is a member of the Northern Ireland Fiscal Council and is also a member of the recently established Energy Security Emergency Group in the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. He was a member of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council from 2011 to 2015 and a member of the Climate Change Advisory Council from 2015 to 2021.

Alan has chaired each National Economic Dialogue from 2015 to 2022. He is a Research Fellow with the Institute for Labour Economics (IZA) in Germany.

He is a frequent contributor to radio and television discussions on economic matters and has been quoted in newspapers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist.


IQ-EQ is a leading investor services group that combines global expertise with an unwavering focus on client service delivery. With a team of 3,400+ people operating across 23 jurisdictions, we support fund managers, global companies, family offices and private clients operating worldwide.   

In Ireland, we are focused on assisting companies with their setup and ongoing administration, providing services such as financial accounting and reporting, provision of directors, company secretarial and payroll.

Our people bring the know how and the know you. We are IQ-EQ.

To find out more visit the IQ-EQ website.


Please register using the 'Book Now' button. Please note registration will be taken on a first come first served basis. Once the event is booked out, a waiting list will be in operation. For this reason, please notify Anna Hannigan, Events Manager, IoD Ireland, if you can no longer attend the event. Thank you in advance. 


Registration will open from 12:30pm on Thursday, 13th October. Please note networking and refreshments will commence before the event from 12:30-1:00pm. The presentation will then start at 1:00pm, followed by Q&A and will finish at 2:00pm. 

Venue Details

This event will take place in The Orient Suite, The Alex Hotel, Dublin 2.


Photography will also be taken at the event for marketing and promotional purposes. For further information, please contact: comms@iodireland.ie.


IoD events/webinars may be eligible for CPD, including Chartered Director CPD, please check with your relevant professional body.

Please note, in advance of this event, we will be sending the attendee list to all registered attendees and our sponsor. This attendee sheet will include the name and company name of all registered attendees (as per their membership details). 

Should you wish to connect with a fellow member who registered for this event, please reach out to them via the IoD Members’ LinkedIn Group, or email us directly and we will try to facilitate this on your behalf. For more information, please contact Anna Hannigan, Events Manager, IoD Ireland. 

For GDPR reasons, we cannot provide contact details on the attendee list.